His Tea™ Kit is a Male enhancement and Performance Tea blend that contains the102 mineralsthat the body is comprised of.
Kit Includes:
Full Body Detox (32oz)
BlackSeed Sea Moss Gel (32oz)
Reduces High Blood Pressure
Reduces High Cholesterol
Improves rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
Decrease asthma systems
Soothes upset stomach
Supports Thyroid
Supports Immunity
Improves Gut Health
Weight Loss
Promotes Heart Health
improves Blood Sugar
Increase Libido
Promotes healthy blood circulation,
Increase Oxygen to the Cells
Purifies the Blood
Supports Healthy Liver Function
Promotes Healthy Skin
Promotes Hormonal Balance
Supports Glandular Health
Provides Adrenal Support;
Gentle Diuretic Performance Tonic
Promotes Joint Comfort
and more.....
Please allow up to 30 Days to receive your package. Packages can come sooner.
Warning Label - DO NOT TAKE if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are on donor medications. Please consult with a medical professional before consuming