The "Everyday, Detox Tea™ Full Body Detox that you take everyday.
Some Active ingredients: Burdock Root, Oregano Leaf, Sarsaparilla, Neem Leaf, Ginger, ElderBerry, Lemon Balm, Star Anise, Lavender, Rose Petal Buds, Cilantro Leaf, Dandelion Root
The Everyday, Detox Tea™
Immediate Immune Support
Flushes Toxins.
Promotes Healthy Digestion
Supports Healthy Kidney Function
Support Health Liver Function
Supports Healthy Lymphatic System Function
Blood Purifier
Removes Toxic Metals
Alkaline's the Body
Promotes Healthy Skin
Anti Viral
Anti Fungal
Anti Bacterial
Promote Hormonal Balance
Gentle Diuretic
Removes Mucus
Removes Acid
Removes Parasites and Worms
Contains Vitamin B complex, C, E and K
Warning Label - DO NOT TAKE if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are on donor medications. Please consult with a medical professional before consuming